Friday, April 13, 2012

ACSLS use full commands

Component Types and Identifiers

Table 24. describes the valid ranges of values for each of the ACS component identifiers. You can specify a maximum of 42 identifiers for each type. See specific command descriptions for the valid component types for each command.

Table 24. ACSLS Component Types and Identifiers
Component Type Identifier Valid Values
entire library
none none


LSM panel

LSM subpanel

LSM storage cell


lsm(0-23 ),
An asterisk (*) in the cap_id does the following:
acs,lsm,* - causes ACSLS to select the highest priority available CAP in the LSM.
acs,* - causes ACSLS to select the highest priority available CAP in the ACS.
* - for an enter request causes ACSLS to select the CAP in the LSM with the most free cells.
* - for an eject request causes ACSLS to select the highest priority CAP in each ACS with a volume designated for ejection.

transport type

10 character transport type identifier; can be any combination of numbers (0-9) or letters (A-Z). Spaces are not allowed. See Table 14 for valid values.

volume serial number of a data or scratch volume or a cleaning cartridge



Six-character identifier consisting of any combination of numbers (0-9), letters (A-Z), dollar sign ($), pound sign (#), and spaces ( ). Use single or double quotes to enclose volsers with leading or trailing spaces. Do not specifies volsers with embedded spaces.
range of volume serial numbers

Specifies an ascending ranges of volumes separated by a dash (-). Specify only the right-most numeric portions of the volsers as the range. All preceding characters must be identical.
volume media type

10 character media type identifier; can be any combination of numbers (0-9) or letters (A-Z). Spaces are not allowed. See Table 14 for valid values.
volume owner

scratch pool

Decimal number (0-65534). Specifying an asterisk (*) for the pool_id reassigns the volume to its current pool_id.
ACSLS request

Unique decimal number (0-65535) assigned by ACSLS.
transport or volume lock

Decimal number (0-32767)
ACSLS request

unique numeric (0-65535) request identifier assigned by ACSLS.

auditThe audit command updates the ACSLS database to match the actual inventory of library volumes.


audit cap_id type identifier...


specifies the CAP that ACSLS uses to eject any errant volumes. You can specify a particular cap or enter an asterisk (*), which causes ACSLS to select the highest priority CAP.

    You can specify multiple ACSs only if CAP priority has been set in each ACS. You must specify an asterisk for the cap_id to allow automatic selection of a CAP in each ACS.

    A multi-LSM audit reserves the CAP for the entire audit. A single LSM audit waits until ACSLS updates the database, then reserves the CAP if required to eject errant volumes.

type [identifier]
specifies a library component. Table 25. lists the components you can audit.

Table 25. Valid Components for Audit
ACS Component component identifier
entire library


LSM panel

LSM subpanel


    You can specify multiple ACSs, LSMs, panels, or subpanels in a single audit request. You cannot specify overlapping subpanels.

    You can specify multiple ACSs only if CAP priority has been set in each ACS. You must specify an asterisk for the cap_id to allow automatic selection of a CAP in each ACS.

    Regardless of the order in which you specify multiple components, however, the audit processes these components in ascending order by acs_id, lsm_id panel_id, subpanel_id. For example, the audit will process panel 0,0,13 before subpanel 0,0,15,1,7 even if you specify this subpanel first.


An audit updates the ACSLS database to match the actual inventory of library volumes. You run an audit to:

  • Create volume information in the database if you do not enter volumes through the CAP. For example, run an audit if you add an LSM to your library, open the LSM door, and manually add volumes to the LSM.
  • Resolve discrepancies between the library and the database. For example, run an audit if you open an LSM door and manually remove volumes instead of ejecting them through the CAP. The audit deletes information for the removed volumes from the database.
  • View the contents of cells specified by the audit (you must have a display monitor connected to the LSM robot's vision system).

Caution: Caution: Auditing the library deletes any database information about scratch pools, virtual volumes, volume types (data, scratch, clean), and access control.

An audit ejects errant volumes and deletes their information from the database. An errant volume has:

  • An external label that duplicates one already scanned.
  • A missing or unreadable external label and no virtual label.
  • An invalid media type.
Audits only apply to LSM storage cells, not to transports or CAPs. ACSLS displays cmd_proc messages during the audit and records any database changes from the audit in the event log (if volume statistics logging is disabled). If volume statistics logging is enabled, ACSLS records volume found and volume not found messages in the acsss_stats.log. See "Logging Volume Statistics" for more information.
Hint: Use the following guidelines for running an audit:

  • The ACS or LSM being audited must be either online or in diagnostic state. Normal library processing (including mounts and dismounts) can occur an audit, although library processing slows down the audit.

    An audit in diagnostic state is faster because the library is unavailable to client applications. For ACSs or LSMs in diagnostic state, however, if the audit finds a discrepancy between the library and the database, the audit uses the first scan of the affected cells and does not recheck them. For online ACSs or LSMs, if the audit finds a discrepancy, it rechecks the affected cells.

  • After you start an audit on an entire LSM, you cannot start another audit on the same LSM. You must cancel and rerun the audit.
  • You can cancel an audit of a server, ACS, or LSM. Because ACSLS internally translates server, ACS, or LSM audits into a series of panel audits, ACSLS completes the audit of the current panel before cancelling the remainder of the audit. You cannot cancel an audit of a panel or subpanel. When you cancel an audit, volumes already ejected are not re-entered.
Caution: If you cancel an audit or if there is a library or ACSLS hardware or software failure during the audit, you must rerun the same audit. Volumes marked for ejection but not actually ejected during the first audit are no longer in the database and are not under ACSLS control.


To audit the entire library and specify the highest priority CAP in each ACS for ejections:

    audit * server
To audit LSM 0,1 and specify CAP 0,1,1 for ejections:

    audit 0,1,1 lsm 0,1
To audit panel 12 of LSM 0,1 and specify the highest priority CAP in LSM 0,1 for ejections:

    audit 0,1,* panel 0,1,12


A cell cannot be audited if it is reserved by another process. If a cell is reserved, ACSLS rechecks the database until the cell becomes available up to a maximum of 60 retries. If the cell is still unavailable, the audit skips the cell and logs a message to the event log.

See Also

For information about... See...
Guidelines for auditing the library "Auditing the Library"
Cancelling a command cancel command
Displaying CAP status query cap command
Displaying ACSLS and library status query server command
Displaying ACS status query acs command
Displaying LSM status query lsm command
Setting CAP selection priority set cap priority command
Setting CAP mode (manual or automatic) set cap mode command
Changing the state of a library component vary command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

The following message appears when the audit completes successfully.

Audit: Audit completed, Success.
In addition, one of the following messages appears to confirm which component was audited:

Audit: Audit of storage server, valid 
Audit: Audit of ACS, acs_id, status valid
Audit: Audit of LSM, lsm_id, panel_id, valid
Audit: Audit of panel, panel_id, valid
Audit: Audit of subpanel, subpanel_id, valid
Hint: If you audit an invalid cell location (that is, just above or below a transport or on an extra column), ACSLS returns a success message to allow audits to work with PTPs.

Intermediate Messages

Intermediate messages consist of a two-line display with the following first line:

Audit: Intermediate response: Audit activity.
One of the following messages appears on the second line.
Audit: Cartridge ejected, unreadable label.

    Explanation: ACSLS ejected a cartridge that had:

    • No external label
    • No virtual label, or
    • An unreadable label
Audit: Cartridge vol_id ejected, duplicate label.

    Explanation: ACSLS ejected with a duplicate external label within the range of cells being audited.

    Variable: vol_id is the volume with the duplicate label.
Audit: Cartridge vol_id found.

    Explanation: The audit found a volume in the ACS that is not in the ACSLS database. The audit added the volume to the database.

    Variable: vol_id is the volume added to the database.
Audit: Cartridge vol_id not found.

    Explanation: A volume listed in the ACSLS database is not in the ACS. The volume is deleted from the database.

    Variable: vol_id is the volume deleted from the database.

Audit: Cartridge ejected, invalid media type

    Explanation: ACSLS ejected a cartridge with an invalid media type.

Error Messages

Audit in progress.

    Explanation: ACSLS did not start the audit because another audit for the same LSM is in progress.
CAP cap_id in use.

    Explanation: The CAP specified for the audit is in use.

    Variable: cap_id is the CAP in use.
Multiple ACS audit.

    Explanation: The audit failed because the audit command specified multiple ACSs without specifying an * for the cap_id.
Not in same ACS.

    Explanation: The audit failed because the cap_id and the identifier specified are not in the same ACS.


    • cap_id is the CAP specified for the audit.
    • identifier is the library component specified for the audit.
Display Area Messages

cap_id Remove cartridges from CAP.

    Explanation: The audit filled the CAP with ejected cartridges. Empty the CAP, then close it to continue the audit.

    Variable: cap_id is the CAP that contains the ejected cartridges.
CAP cap_id: Place magazines in CAP.

    Explanation: The CAP requires magazines for the audit. Open the CAP, place magazines inside, then close the CAP.

    Variable: cap_id is the CAP that requires magazines.
CAP cap_id: No CAP available, waiting...

    Explanation: No CAP is available to eject cartridges.

    Variable: The cap_id appears as it was specified in the audit command:

    • acs, lsm, cap if the audit command explicitly specified the CAP.
    • acs, lsm, * if the audit command specified the CAP as acs, lsm, *.
    • acs, *, * if the audit command specified the CAP as acs, * or *.


The cancel command cancels a current or pending request.


cancel request_id


specifies the identifier of the request to cancel.


Use the cancel command to cancel current or pending request issued by an audit, define pool, delete pool, eject, enter, lock, query, set, or venter command or client application. Use the query request command to display the ID of the request you want to cancel.
You can cancel an audit of a server, ACS, or LSM. Because ACSLS internally translates server, ACS, or LSM audits into a series of panel audits, ACSLS completes the audit of the current panel before cancelling the remainder of the audit. You cannot cancel an audit of a panel or subpanel. When you cancel an audit, volumes already ejected are not re-entered.
Caution: If you cancel an audit or if there is a library or ACSLS hardware or software failure during the audit, you must rerun the same audit. Volumes marked for ejection but not actually ejected during the first audit are no longer in the database and are not under ACSLS control.
Hint: You must enter a cancel command from a different cmd_proc than the cmd_proc that issued the request you want to cancel.
The cancel command immediately cancels any pending requests and handles current requests as follows:

auditBecause ACSLS internally translates server, ACS, or LSM audits into a series of panel audits, ACSLS completes the audit of the current panel before cancelling the remainder of the audit.

    Caution: If you cancel an audit or if there is a library or ACSLS hardware or software failure during the audit, you must rerun the same audit. Volumes marked for ejection but not actually ejected during the first audit are no longer in the database and are not under ACSLS control.

define pool
ACSLS stops defining scratch pools but does not delete any scratch pools already defined.
delete poolACSLS stops deleting scratch pools but does not redefine any scratch pools already deleted.
ACSLS stops the ejection and the cmd_proc displays a message to remove any cartridges already ejected, which are not reentered.
ACSLS stops the enter and, if any cartridges remain in the CAP, cmd_proc displays a message to remove these cartridges. Any volumes already entered into the LSM are not ejected.
Resource locking by the specified request is stopped. If the request has not yet acquired all specified resources, none of the resources are locked.
ACSLS cancels the query.
For set cap, ACSLS stops setting CAP attributes, but does not change any attributes already set.

    For set scratch or set clean requests, ACSLS stops setting scratch volume or cleaning cartridge attributes, but does not change any attributes already set.

ACSLS stops the enter and, if any cartridges remain in the CAP, cmd_proc displays a message to remove these cartridges. Any volumes already entered into the LSM are not ejected.


To display request IDs for all current and pending requests:

    query request all
Example output of query request all:

    Identifier Command Status
    13   enter Current
    15   query Pending
To cancel request 13 (current enter request) in the example above:

    cancel 13



See Also

For information about... See...
Updating the ACSLS database to match the actual inventory of library volumes audit command
Creating or modifying scratch pools define pool command
Deleting empty scratch pools delete pool command
Ejecting volumes from the library eject command
Making a CAP (manual mode) ready to enter labelled cartridges into the library enter command
Locking (dedicating) transports and volumes to your current lock ID lock command
Displaying the status of a library component query commands
Setting various attributes of different library components set commands
Making a CAP ready to enter unlabeled cartridges into the library venter command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

Request request_id cancelled.

    Explanation: ACSLS cancelled the requested command.

    Variable: request_id is the request identifier of the cancelled command.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Request request_id can not be cancelled: status.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot cancel the specified command.


    • request_id is the request identifier of the command that ACSLS cannot cancel.
    • status is one of the following:
    Request identifier request_id invalid.
      The cancel command specified an invalid request identifier.
    Request identifier request_id not found.
      The cancel command specified an request identifier for a request that is not current or pending.

Display Area Messages


clear lock

The clear lock command removes all active and pending locks on a specified transport or volume.


clear lock type identifier


type identifier
specifies a library component. Table 26. lists the components whose resource locks you can clear.

Table 26. Valid Components for Clear Lock
Library Component type identifier




Use the clear lock command to remove all active and pending locks on a specified transport or volume. Your current lock ID must either be 0 or it must match the lock ID of the transport or volume.
The unlock command removes only active locks on transports or volumes. You can, however, use the unlock command to remove active locks on all transports or all volumes.


To clear all locks for transport 1,1,5,2:

    clear lock drive 1,1,5,2
To clear all locks for volume NN0108:

    clear lock volume NN0108


You cannot cancel a clear lock command.

See Also

For information about... See...
Locking (dedicating) transports and volumes to your current lock ID lock command
Displaying the lock status of a transport or volume query lock command
Removing active locks for transports or volumes unlock command
Setting your lock ID set lock command
Displaying your lock or user ID show command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

The following message appears when a clear request succeeds:

Clear: Completed, Success.
In addition, for each identifier in the request, one of the following messages appears depending on the library component (type):

Clear: Drive drive_id all locks cleared.
Clear: Volume vol_id all locks cleared.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Clear: Clear lock of drive drive_id failed,
Drive identifier drive_id available.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot clear locks because the specified transport is not locked.

    Variable: drive_id is the identifier of the specified transport.
Clear: Clear lock of volume vol_id failed,
Volume identifier vol_id available.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot clear locks because the specified volume is not locked.

    Variable: vol_id is the identifier of the specified volume.

Display Area Messages


define pool

The define pool command creates or modifies scratch pools.


define pool low_water_mark high_water_mark 


low_water_mark is the low volume warning threshold. If the scratch volume count falls below this threshold, ACSLS logs a warning message in the event log. Valid values are 0 to 231-1. The default is 0.
high_water_mark is the high volume warning threshold. If the scratch volume count reaches or exceeds this threshold, ACSLS logs a warning message in the event log. Valid values are 0 to 231-1. This value must be greater than the value for low_water_mark. The default is 231-1.
specifies the pool identifier. Pool 0 is the common scratch pool, which always exists. You can modify the common scratch pool attributes.
specifies that if this pool cannot satisfy mount scratch requests, ACSLS will select volumes from the common pool (Pool 0).


Use the define pool command to create or modify scratch pools.


To define a low threshold of 0, a high threshold of 600, and overflow for new pool 1:

    define pool 0 600 1 overflow
To define a low threshold of 0 , a high threshold of 600, and no overflow for existing pool 5:

    define pool 0 600 5


Scratch pools are not owned by one client application or user ID. You can, however, use volume access control to restrict access for specific scratch volumes.

See Also

For information about... See...
Guidelines and procedures for managing scratch volumes "Managing Scratch Volumes"
Cancelling a command cancel command
Deleting empty scratch pools delete pool command
Mounting a scratch volume on a transport mount * command on
Displaying scratch pool attributes query pool command
Setting or clearing volume scratch attributes set scratch command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

The following message appears when a define pool command succeeds:

Define:  Define completed, Success.
In addition, the following message appears for each created or modified pool:

Define: Pool pool_id created.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages


Display Area Messages

Pool pool_id: low water mark warning.

    Explanation: The number of volumes in the specified scratch pool is less than or equal to the low volume threshold.

    Variable: low_water_mark is the low volume threshold of the specified scratch pool.
Pool pool_id: high water mark warning.

    Explanation: The number of volumes in the specified scratch pool is greater than or equal to the high volume threshold.

    Variable: high_water_mark is the high volume threshold of the specified scratch pool.

delete pool

The delete pool command deletes empty scratch pools.


delete pool pool_id...|all


specifies the pool ID.

    Pool 0 is the common pool, which you cannot delete.

specifies all empty scratch pools.


Use the delete pool command to delete empty scratch pools. If a pool contains scratch volumes, you must reassign these volumes to another pool before deleting the first pool. If a scratch volume is mounted, it becomes a data volume but remains in its scratch pool. Use the set scratch off command to reassign the data volume to the common pool.


To delete all empty scratch pools:

delete pool all
Hint: Only the empty pools will be deleted; pools with volumes assigned will not be affected.
To delete scratch pool 1:

  1. Query scratch pool 1:
    query scratch 1

    Pool 1 has two volumes, 34813 and 34815.

  2. Empty pool 1 by reassigning its volumes to pool 5:
    set scratch 5 348013 348015
  3. Delete pool 1:
    delete pool 1



See Also

For information about... See...
Guidelines and procedures for managing scratch volumes "Managing Scratch Volumes"
Cancelling a command cancel command
Creating or modifying scratch pools define pool command
Displaying scratch pool attributes query pool command
Displaying the location and media type of a volume query volume command
Setting or clearing volume scratch attributes set scratch command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

The following message appears when a delete pool command completes successfully:

Delete: Delete completed, Success.
In addition, the following message appears for each deleted pool.

Delete: Pool pool_id deleted.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Delete: Pool pool_id failed, Pool not empty.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot delete the scratch pool because it is not empty.

    Variable: pool_id is the identifier of the requested pool.

Display Area Messages



The dismount command dismounts a volume from a transport.


dismount vol_id drive_id [force]


specifies of the volume identifier.
specifies the transport.
forces a dismount of the actual volume in the specified transport, even if the vol_id of the volume in the transport does not match the specified vol_id.

    This option also forces a dismount even if the transport is not unloaded.


Use the dismount command to dismount a volume from a transport and place the volume in an available storage cell.


Use the dismount command without the force option to dismount a specified volume from a specified transport. A successful unforced dismount requires the following:

  • The transport must be online
  • The vol_id of the volume in the transport must match the vol_id you specify on the dismount command
  • The transport must be unloaded

dismount force

Use the dismount command with the force option to force a dismount of the actual volume mounted in a specified transport. The vol_id of the volume in the transport does not have to match the vol_id you specify on the dismount command. In addition, if the the volume is not ready for dismounting, ACSLS forces the transport to automatically rewind, unload, and dismount the volume. The transport must be online.
You can use the force option to dismount a volume with an unreadable or unknown label or a volume that a client application did not dismount. Note that ACSLS returns the volume to an available storage cell, even if the label is unreadable or missing.
Caution: Because a forced dismount immediately rewinds and unloads the cartridge in the transport specified, the request may result in a read failure to an application using the cartridge.


To dismount volume EDU200 from transport 0,1,10,2:

    dismount EDU200 0,1,10,2 



See Also

For information about... See...
Cancelling a command cancel command
Displaying transport status query drive command
Mounting a data volume on a transport mount command
Mounting a scratch volume on a transport mount * command
Ejecting volumes from the library eject command
Displaying CAP status query cap command
Making a CAP (manual mode) ready to enter labelled cartridges into the library enter command
Setting CAP selection priority set cap priority command
Setting CAP mode (manual or automatic) set cap mode command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

Dismount: vol_id dismounted from drive_id.

    Explanation: An unforced dismount succeeded.


    • vol_id is the identifier of the dismounted volume.
    • drive_id is the identifier of the specified transport.
Dismount: Forced dismount of vol_id from drive_id.

    Explanation: A forced dismount succeeded.


    • vol_id is the identifier of the dismounted volume.
    • drive_id is the identifier of the specified transport.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Dismount: Dismount failed, ACS acs_id full.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot dismount the volume because the ACS has no free storage cells. You must eject at least one other volume from the ACS so that ACSLS can dismount the volume from the transport.

    Variable: acs_id is the identifier of the ACS that contains the volume.
Note: Only online LSMs are used in locating free cells; therefore this message can occur even when there is an LSM with free storage cells if that LSM is offline.
Dismount: Dismount failed, Audit in progress.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot dismount the volume because an audit in progress has locked out access to the last unoccupied cell location in the ACS.
Dismount: Dismount failed, Cartridge in drive drive_id, unreadable label

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot dismount the volume because because the volume either has no external label, an unreadable external label, or no virtual label. Use a forced dismount to dismount the volume.

    Variable: drive_id is the identifier of the specified transport.
Dismount: Dismount failed, Drive identifier drive_id available.

    Explanation: No volume is mounted in the specified transport.

    Variable: drive_id is the identifier of the specified transport.
Dismount: Dismount failed, Drive identifier drive_id in use.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot dismount the volume because because the cartridge is not rewound and unloaded. Either wait for the client application must either rewind and unload the cartridge, then enter a dismount command or use a forced dismount to dismount the volume.

    Variable: drive_id is the identifier of the specified transport.
Dismount: Dismount failed, Misplaced tape.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot dismount the volume because because the external label of the volume does not match the volume identifier in the ACSLS database. The volume identifier in the ACSLS database is updated to match the external label of the volume. Retry the dismount.
Dismount: Dismount failed, Volume not in drive.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot dismount the volume because because the external label of the volume does not match the volume identifier specified in the dismount. Reenter the dismount command with the correct volume identifier.

Display Area Messages



The eject command ejects volumes from the library.


eject cap_id vol_id|volrange...


specifies the CAP used to eject the volumes.
vol_id | volrange
specifies the external or virtual labels of the volume or range of volumes to eject.


Use the eject command to eject volumes from the library, which removes them from ACSLS control. The robot places the specified volume in the designated CAP, then ACSLS. frees the cell locations where the volumes were stored and removes the volume information from the database. If you specify more than a CAP full of cartridges on the eject command, empty the CAP when it fills, close the CAP, and continue the ejection until all volumes are ejected.
You can use a single eject command to eject multiple volumes not in a range by specifying multiple volume IDs separated by a space.
Hint: If your library has two connected LSMs and the PTP is down, to successfully eject volumes, either:

  • Specify a CAP in the LSM where the volume is stored. For example, if volume NN0100 is stored in LSM 0,0, to eject this volume through CAP 0,0,0:

    eject 0,0,0 NN0101

  • For the cap_id, specify the LSM where the volume is stored but use a wildcard (*) for the CAP number; ACSLS will select the highest priority CAP in the LSM. For example, if volume NN0114 is stored in LSM 0,0, to eject this volume through LSM 0,0's highest priority CAP:

    eject 0,0,* NN0114


To eject volume NN0101 through CAP 0,0,0:

    eject 0,0,0 NN0101
To eject volume range NN0101-NN0109 through the highest priority CAP on ACS 0:

    eject 0,* NN0101-NN0109
To eject volumes NN0101, NN0103, NN0105, and NN0107 through the highest priority CAP on ACS 0:

    eject 0,* NN0101 NN0103 NN0105 NN0107


Make sure you remove all ejected volumes from the CAP. You must complete the ejection by unloading all ejected cartridges and closing the CAP door before you can use the CAP for another operation (such as an enter or audit).

See Also

For information about... See...
Guidelines and procedures for ejecting volumes "Ejecting Volumes"
Cancelling a command cancel command
Displaying the location and media type of a volume query volume command
Displaying transport status query drive command
Dismounting a volume from a transport dismount command
Displaying CAP status query cap command
Making a CAP (manual mode) ready to enter labelled cartridges into the library enter command
Setting CAP selection priority set cap priority command
Setting CAP mode (manual or automatic) set cap mode command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

Eject: Eject complete, nn cartridges ejected
Eject: vol_id ejected from cap_id

    Explanation: ACSLS ejected the specified volumes.


    • nn is the number of cartridges ejected.
    • vol_id is the volume identifier of the ejected volume.
    • cap_id is the CAP that contains the ejected volume.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Eject: vol_id Eject failed, CAP cap_id full.

    Explanation: A volume was not ejected because the CAP is full.


    • vol_id is the volume identifier of the volume that was not ejected.
    • cap_id is the CAP specified for the ejection.
Eject: vol_id Eject failed, CAP cap_id in use.

    Explanation: A volume was not ejected because the CAP is in use.


    • vol_id is the volume identifier of the volume that was not ejected.
    • cap_id is the CAP specified for the ejection.
Eject: vol_id Eject failed, Misplaced tape.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot eject the volume because the external label of the volume does not match the database's volume identifier for the storage cell. The database updates the volume identifier, media type, and cleaning cartridge attribute for the volume in the storage cell.

    Variable: vol_id is the volume identifier of the volume that was not ejected.
Eject: vol_id Eject failed, Not in same ACS.

    Explanation: A volume was not ejected because it is not in the ACS specified in the cap_id.

    Variable: vol_id is the volume identifier of the volume that was not ejected.
Eject: vol_id Eject failed, Volume identifier vol_id not found.

    Explanation: A volume was not ejected because it is not:

    • In the storage cell specified in the database,
    • In-transit, or
    • In a transport.
    ACSLS deletes the volume entry from the database.

    Variable: vol_id is the volume identifier that was deleted from the database.
Eject: vol_id Eject failed, Volume in drive.

    Explanation: A volume was not ejected because it is mounted in a transport.

    Variable: vol_id is the volume identifier of the volume that was not ejected.
Eject: vol_id Eject failed, Volume vol_id in use.

    Explanation: A volume was not ejected because it is reserved for use by another request.

    Variable: vol_id is the volume identifier of the volume that was not ejected.

Display Area Messages

CAP cap_id Remove cartridges from CAP.

    Explanation: Either the CAP is full or all requested volumes are in the CAP. Empty the CAP.

    Variable: cap_id is the CAP that contains the ejected volumes.
CAP cap_id Place magazines in CAP.

    Explanation: The CAP requires magazines for the ejection. Open the CAP, place magazines inside, then close the CAP.

    Variable: cap_id is the CAP that requires magazines.


For a CAP in manual mode, the enter command makes the CAP ready to enter labelled cartridges.


enter cap_id


specifies the CAP.


Use the enter command to make a manual mode CAP ready to enter labelled cartridges. For procedures for entering labelled cartridges, see the following:


To make CAP 0,0,2 ready to enter cartridges:

    enter 0,0,2
To make the highest priority CAP in LSM 0,0 ready to enter cartridges:

    enter 0,0,*



See Also

For information about... See...
Guidelines and procedures for entering cartridges "Entering Cartridges"
Cancelling a command cancel command
Displaying CAP status query cap command
Setting CAP selection priority set cap priority command
Setting CAP mode (manual or automatic) set cap mode command
Making a CAP ready to enter unlabeled cartridges into the library venter command
Mounting a data volume on a transport mount command on
Creating or modifying scratch pools define pool command
Mounting a scratch volume on a transport mount * command on
Ejecting volumes from the library eject command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

After all labelled cartridges have been entered, the following message appears, with the second line of the message repeated for each cartridge successfully entered:

Enter: Enter complete, nn cartridges entered
Enter: vol_id Entered through cap_id

  • nn is the total number of cartridges entered
  • vol_id is the volume identifier of the entered cartridge
  • cap_id is the CAP used to enter the cartridges

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Enter: vol_id Enter failed, ACS acs_id full.

    Explanation: A cartridge was not entered because the ACS has no free storage cells. You must eject at least one volume from the ACS so that ACSLS can enter the volume.


    • vol_id is the external label of the volume that was not entered.
    • acs_id is the identifier of the ACS that has no free storage cells.
      Note: ACSLS only searches online LSMs for free cells; this message can occur even if offline LSMS have free cells.
Enter: vol_id Enter failed, Audit in progress.

    Explanation: A cartridge was not entered because an audit has locked out access to a cell location required for the enter.

    Variable: vol_id is the external label of the volume that was not entered.
Enter: vol_id Enter failed, CAP cap_id in use.

    Explanation: A cartridge was not entered because the specified CAP is in use for auditing, ejecting cartridges, or another enter process.


    • vol_id is the external label of the volume that was not entered.
    • cap_id is the in-use CAP.
Enter: vol_id Enter failed, Duplicate label.

    Explanation: A cartridge was not entered because the volume identifier of a cartridge in the CAP already exists in the ACSLS database.

    Variable: vol_id is the external label of the volume that was not entered.
Enter: Enter failed, Unreadable label.

    Explanation: A cartridge was not entered because the volume either has no external label or an unreadable external label.
Enter: vol_id Enter failed, Unknown media type label.

    Explanation: A cartridge was not entered because the cartridge does not have a media identifier on its externals label.

    Variable: vol_id is the external label of the volume that was not entered.

Display Area Messages

CAP cap_id: Place cartridges in CAP.

    Explanation: The CAP is ready for cartridge entry. Open the CAP and enter cartridges.

    Variable: cap_id is the CAP used to enter cartridges.
CAP cap_id: Remove cartridges from CAP.

    Explanation: One or more cartridges cannot be entered.

    Variable: cap_id s the CAP used to enter cartridges. Open the CAP and remove the cartridges.
CAP cap_id: CAP cap_id Place magazines in CAP.

    Explanation: The CAP uses magazines for cartridge entry. Load cartridges in the correct magazine, open the CAP, and insert the magazines.

    Variable: cap_id s the CAP used to enter cartridges.


The idle command stops ACSLS from processing new requests.


idle [force]
Hint: For ACSLS 5.1.1 and above, you must enter the full command name for the idle command. ACSLS will reject all other forms of the command, such as i, id, or idl.


force forces termination of new request processing.


Use the idle command to stop ACSLS from processing new requests. For example, you idle ACSLS before doing maintenance or before terminating ACSLS.


Entering an idle command without the force option puts ACSLS in the idle-pending state. ACSLS completes current and pending requests (except pending lock requests, which are cancelled) and rejects new requests except those listed in "Notes." ACSLS then goes to idle state and does not process subsequent requests until restarted.

idle force

Entering an idle command with the force option puts ACSLS in the idle state. ACSLS cancels all current and pending requests and rejects new requests except those listed in "Notes." ACSLS does not process subsequent requests until restarted. Because ACSLS does not complete current requests, forcing ACSLS to idle state may leave the database in an inconsistent state with the hardware, which requires an audit to correct.
Hint: Depending on the current requests processing when you enter an idle force, the event log may report process failures. If so, vary the affected LSMs offline and back online. See "Vary" for information about the vary command.


To put ACSLS in idle-pending state:

To force ACSLS to idle state:

    idle force


In either idle or idle-pending state, ACSLS accepts new requests for the cancel, idle, query, start, and vary requests.

See Also

For information about... See...
Stopping ACSLS "Stopping ACSLS"
Restarting ACSLS "Starting ACSLS"
Displaying the status of a library component query commands
Starting ACSLS request processing start command
Changing the state of a library component vary command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

The following message appears when ACSLS request processing stops.

ACSLM Request Processing Stopped: Success.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

ACSLM Request Processing Stopped: status

    Explanation: ACSLS did not stop processing requests.

    Variable: status is the reason for the failure. For more information on common status messages, see ACSLS Messages.

Display Area Messages

Server system idle.

    Explanation: Request processing has stopped, and ACSLS is in idle state.
Server system idle is pending.

    Explanation: ACSLS is processing current or pending requests; idle state is pending.


The lock command locks (dedicates) a volume or transport to your current lock ID.


lock type identifier...[wait]


type identifier
specifies a library component. Table 27. lists the components that you can lock. You can specify either a transport or a volume but not both in a single lock command.

Table 27. Valid Components for Lock
Library Component type identifier



specifies that the lock is pending if the component is unavailable (locked or in use). ACSLS then locks the component when it is available. You can clear or cancel a pending lock request. Idling ACSLS also cancels a pending lock request.


Use the lock command to lock a volume or transport to your current lock ID. You can only lock available (not locked or in use) volumes or transports.


To lock transport 0,1,10,2:

    lock drive 0,1,10,2
To lock volume EDU445:

    lock volume EDU445



See Also

For information about... See...
Removing all active or pending locks on a specified transport or volume clear lock command
Displaying the lock status of a transport or volume query lock command
Removing active locks on transports or volumes unlock command
Setting your lock ID set lock command
Displaying your lock or user ID show command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

The following message appears when a lock request succeeds:

Lock: Lock completed, Success.
In addition, for each identifier in the request, one of the following messages appears:

Lock: Drive drive_id locked under lockid lock_id.
Lock: Volume vol_id locked under lockid lock_id.

  • drive_id is the locked transport.
  • The vol_id is the volume identifier of the locked volume.
  • lock_id is the lock ID.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

One of the following messages appears if the lock request fails:
Lock: Lock of drive drive_id failed, Drive in use.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot lock the specified transport because the transport is already locked or in use.

    Variable: drive_id is the transport that ACSLS cannot lock.
Lock: Lock of drive drive_id failed, Lock failed.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot lock the specified transport. Reenter the lock command with the correct syntax and transport identifier.

    Variable: drive_id is the transport that ACSLS cannot lock.
Lock: Lock of drive drive_id failed, Incorrect lockid

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot lock the specified transport because the request and drive lock IDs do not match(?????????).

    Variable: drive_id is the transport that ACSLS cannot lock.
Lock: Lock of volume vol_id failed, Volume in use.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot lock the specified volume because the volume is already locked or in use.

    Variable: vol_id is the volume that ACSLS cannot lock.
Lock: Lock of drive vol_id failed, Lock failed.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot lock the specified volume. Reenter the lock command with the correct syntax and volume identifier.

    Variable: vol_id is the volume that ACSLS cannot lock.

Display Area Messages



The logoff command exits from a cmd_proc.






Use the logoff command to exit from cmd_proc. If you are running an interactive (window) cmd_proc, logoff also quits the cmd_proc window.


To exit a cmd_proc:



logoff exits from cmd_proc only, is valid in any ACSLS state, and does not affect ACSLS operations.

See Also

For information about... See...
Starting a cmd_proc "Starting a cmd_proc"
Using a cmd_proc "Using a cmd_proc"
Stopping ACSLS "Stopping ACSLS"
Starting ACSLS "Starting ACSLS"

Command Area Messages


Display Area Messages



The mount command mounts a data volume.


mount vol_id drive_id [bypass] [readonly]


vol_id specifies the volume.
drive_id specifies the transport.
bypass overrides some of the checks that ACSLS does before trying to mount a volume. For more information, see "Mount Bypass".
readonly specifies that the volume is mounted write-protected.
Caution: ACSLS does not provide readonly protection for cartridges mounted in transports attached to a 97xx LSMs. That is, even if you specify the readonly option on a mount command, the transport can still write to the cartridge. To write protect cartridges for these transports, you must use the cartridge's readonly protection (such as a thumbwheel).


Use the mount command to mount a data volume. You can only mount one volume on one transport each time you enter a mount command.
A successful mount requires the following:

  • The volume and transport must be in the same ACS.
  • The volume must be available and the transport must be online and available.

mount bypass

The bypass option overrides the checks that ACSLS does before trying to mount a volume as follows:.

  • The bypass option always overrides the ACSLS verification of the volume ID on the external label.
  • Depending on the transport and volume media type, the bypass option may override the ACSLS verification of compatibility between the transport type and volume media. Use this option only when you know that the transport and volume media are, in fact, compatible. For example, you could use the bypass option to force a mount of a DD3C volume on an SD3 (Redwood) transport if the volume's external label is missing the 7th (media type) character .
Warning: Do not use the bypass option unless you know that the media type of the specified volume is compatible with the transport. Otherwise you can damage the volume, the transport, or both.


To mount volume EDU010 on transport 0,0,10,2:

    mount EDU010 0,0,10,2
In the following example, YUMA15 is a DD3C volume whose volume label is missing the seventh character. The bypass option bypasses the media compatibility checks and forces a mount of the volume on transport 0,0,4,0, an SD3 transport.
To mount YUMA15 on transport 0,0,4,0 using the bypass option:

    mount YUMA15 0,0,4,0 bypass



See Also

For information about... See...
Dismounting a volume from a transport dismount command
Making a CAP (manual mode) ready to enter labelled cartridges into the library enter command
Making a CAP ready to enter unlabeled cartridges into the library venter command
Displaying CAP status query cap command
Displaying transport status query drive command
Displaying the status of media-compatible transports for a specified data volume query mount command
Displaying the location and media type of a volume query volume command
Displaying the lock status of a transport or volume query lock command
Setting CAP selection priority set cap priority command
Setting CAP mode (manual or automatic) set cap mode command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

Mount: vol_id mounted on drive_id

    Explanation: ACSLS mounted the specified volume.


  • vol_id is the volume identifier of the volume that ACSLS mounted.
  • drive_id is the transport that mounted the volume.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Mount: Mount failed, Audit in progress.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because an audit has locked out access to the cell location of the specified volume.
Mount: Mount failed, In use.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because either the transport is in use or the requested volume is reserved for another command.
Mount: Mount failed, Misplaced tape.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because the external label of the volume does not match the database's volume identifier for the storage cell. The database updates the volume identifier, media type, and cleaning cartridge attribute for the volume in the storage cell.
Mount: Mount failed, Not in same ACS.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because the specified volume and transport are not in the same ACS.
Mount: Mount failed, Volume in drive.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because the specified volume is already mounted in a transport.
Mount: Mount failed, Unreadable label.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because the volume has no label, an unreadable label, or no virtual label.
Mount: Mount failed, Invalid media type.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because the specified volume's media type is invalid.
Mount: Mount failed, Invalid drive type.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because the specified transport's type is invalid.
Mount: Mount failed, Incompatible media type.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because the volume's media type is incompatible with the specified transport.

Display Area Messages


mount *

The mount * command mounts a scratch volume.


mount * drive_id [pool_id] [media media_type | media *]


drive_id specifies the transport.
pool_id specifies the pool from which ACSLS selects the scratch volume. pool_id is optional; if you do not specify a pool_id ACSLS tries to find a scratch volume in the common pool (Pool 0).

    If you specify a pool_id and the pool does not contain a scratch volume (or one of the correct media for mixed-media libraries) if the pool is set for overflow; ACSLS tries to find a scratch volume in the common pool (Pool 0).

media media_type | media *
specifies the volume media type. Specifying the media type is optional; see "Usage" for more information.


Use the mount * command to mount a scratch volume. The following sections describe how to specify the volume media type for a scratch mount and the order in which ACSLS selects scratch volumes within a pool.

Specifying Volume Media Type

As the single-media library examples in "Examples" show, you do not need to specify the media type for single-media libraries. These libraries typically have only a single transport type and heterogeneous scratch pools that contain volumes of a single media type compatible with the transport type.
As the mixed-media library examples in "Examples" show, in mixed-media libraries with homogeneous scratch pools (mixed-media), however, you should specify a media type to avoid transport/media incompatibilities. You can specify volume media type in either of the following ways:

  • Explicitly specify the media type in this form of the mount * command:

    mount * drive_id [pool_id] media media_type

  • Use a wildcard (*) for the media type so that ACSLS selects the media by scratch preferences; for more information see "Setting Scratch Preferences" . To use scratch preferences, enter this form of the mount * command:

    mount * drive_id [pool_id] media *
Caution: ACSLS will select a scratch volume regardless of media type for any of the following conditions:

  • You do not specify a media type
  • You specify a wildcard (*) for the media type and the scratch_preferences.dat file is corrupted or does not exist
  • You specify a wildcard (*) for the media type and the scratch_preferences.dat file does not contain the drive you specify

How ACSLS Selects Scratch Volumes

For ACSLS 5.1 and below, the mount * command creates a list of valid scratch volumes and then mounts the volume with the lowest volser.
For example, for ACSLS 5.1, to mount a scratch volume from pool 5, do the following:

  1. To display the status of the scratch volumes in pool 5, enter the following command:
    query scratch 5
    The display shows that pool 5 contains scratch volumes
    RB1400 through RB1406.

  2. To mount a scratch volume from pool 5 on transport 0,0,10,2, enter the following command.
    mount * 0,0,10,2 5
    ACSLS mounts volume RB1400, which has the lowest volser of the scratch volumes in pool 5.
For ACSLS 5.1.1 and above, the mount * command creates a list of valid scratch volumes and then mounts the least recently accessed volume from that list.
For example, for ACSLS 5.1.1, to mount a scratch volume from pool 5, do the following:

  1. To display the status of the scratch volumes in pool 5, enter the following command:
    query scratch 5
    The display shows that pool 5 contains scratch volumes
    RB1400 through RB1406. The display does not show which of these volumes is the least recently accessed; for this example, assume that volume RB1402 is the least recently accessed volume in this pool

  2. To mount a scratch volume from pool 5 on transport 0,0,10,2, enter the following command.
    mount * 0,0,10,2 5
    ACSLS mounts volume RB1402, which is the least recently accessed volume in pool 5.


The following sections show mount scratch examples for single-media and mixed-media libraries.

Single-Media Libraries

To mount a scratch volume from pool 5 on transport 0,0,10,2:

    mount * 0,0,10,2 5 
    Hint: If no volume is available from pool 5 and it has been set for overflow ACSLS will select a volume from the common pool (pool 0).
To mount a scratch volume from the common pool (Pool 0) on transport 0,0,10,0

    mount * 0,0,10,0

Mixed-Media Libraries

To mount a scratch volume from pool 5 with a media type of 3480 on transport 0,0,10,2:

    mount * 0,0,10,2 5 media 3480
    Hint: If no volume is available from pool 5 and it has been set for overflow ACSLS will select a volume with the specified media type from the common pool (pool 0).
To mount a scratch volume from pool 10 with media type determined by scratch preferences on transport 0,0,2,3:

    mount * 0,0,2,3 10 media *
    Hint: If no volume is available from pool 10 and it has been set for overflow ACSLS will select a volume with the specified media type from the common pool (pool 0).
To mount a scratch volume from the common pool (pool 0) with media type of 3480 on transport 0,0,10,2:

    mount * 0,0,10,2 media 3480
To mount a scratch volume from the common pool (pool 0) with media type determined by scratch preferences on transport 0,0,2,3:

    mount * 0,0,2,3 media *



See Also

For information about... See...
Managing scratch volumes "Managing Scratch Volumes"
Setting scratch preferences "Setting Scratch Preference"
Dismounting a volume from a transport dismount command
Displaying transport status query drive command
Displaying the status of media-compatible transports for a specified scratch pool query mount * command
Displaying scratch volume status query scratch command 104
Displaying scratch pool attributes query pool command
Displaying the location and media type of a volume query volume command
Displaying the lock status of a transport or volume query lock command
Creating or modifying scratch pools define pool command
Deleting empty scratch pools delete pool command
Setting or clearing volume scratch attributes set scratch command

Command Area Messages

Mount: vol_id mounted on drive_id

    Explanation: ACSLS mounted the specified volume.


  • vol_id is the volume identifier of the volume that ACSLS mounted.
  • drive_id is the transport that mounted the volume.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Mount: Mount failed, Audit in progress.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because an audit has locked out access to the cell location of the specified volume.
Mount: Mount failed, In use.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because either the transport is in use or the requested volume is reserved for another command.
Mount: Mount failed, Misplaced tape.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because the external label of the volume does not match the database's volume identifier for the storage cell. The database updates the volume identifier, media type, and cleaning cartridge attribute for the volume in the storage cell.
Mount: Mount failed, Not in same ACS.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because the specified volume and transport are not in the same ACS.
Mount: Mount failed, Volume in drive.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because the specified volume is already mounted in a transport.
Mount: Mount failed, Unreadable label.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because the volume has no label, an unreadable label, or no virtual label.
Mount: Mount failed, Invalid media type.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because the specified volume's media type is invalid.
Mount: Mount failed, Invalid drive type.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because the specified transport's type is invalid.
Mount: Mount failed, Incompatible media type.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because the volume's media type is incompatible with the specified transport.
Mount: Mount failed, No compatible scratch volumes in pool.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot mount the volume because because there are no scratch volumes in the ACS of the specified transport that match the scratch volume's media type. In addition, if the overflow attribute is set for the pool, there are no scratch volumes with valid media types.

Display Area Messages

Pool pool_id: low water mark warning.

    Explanation: The number of volumes in the specified scratch pool is less than or equal to the low volume threshold.

    Variable: low_water_mark is the low threshold of the specified scratch pool.
Pool pool_id: high water mark warning.

    Explanation: The number of volumes in the specified scratch pool is greater than or equal to the high volume threshold.

    Variable: high_water_mark is the high water volume threshold of the specified scratch pool.


The move command moves a specified volume to an available storage cell in a specified LSM.


move vol_id lsm_id


vol_id specifies the volume.
lsm_id specifies the LSM that will contain the moved volume.


Use the move command to move a specified volume to an available storage cell in either:

  • A different panel in the same LSM. For example, if you want to empty an entire panel in an LSM, you can move all the volumes in that panel to a different locations in the same LSM.
  • A different LSM.
You can move only one volume each time you enter the move command. If you specify the LSM where the volume currently resides, ACSLS will move the volume to another panel within that LSM. Otherwise, ACSLS will move it to the LSM you specify. You cannot cancel a move command.
A successful move requires the following:

  • The volume must be available and in the same ACS as the specified LSM.
  • The LSM where the volume currently resides and the specified LSM must both be online. The specified LSM must have at least one available storage cell. If the move is within the same LSM, there must be at least one available cell in a different panel in that LSM. If the move requires a passthru, any LSMs used must also be online.


To move volume EDU010 (which resides in LSM 0,1) to a different panel in this LSM:

    move EDU010 0,1
To move volume EDU010 (which resides in LSM 0,1) to LSM 0,2:

    move EDU010 0,2



See Also

For information about... See...
Displaying the location and media type of a volume query volume command
Displaying the lock status of a transport or volume query lock command
Displaying the status of an LSM query lsm command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

Move: vol_id moved to location cell_id

    Explanation: ACSLS moved the specified volume to the specified cell location.


  • vol_id is the volume identifier of the volume that ACSLS moved.
  • cell_id is the new cell location of the specified volume.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Move: Move failed,



Display Area Messages


query commands

The query commands display the status of a library component. See the following sections for more information about each query command, including format, options, and usage.


The following shows the general format of the query commands:

query type [subtype | *] identifier... | all


If a cancel request is issued against a pending or current query request, the display of information is halted.

See Also

For information about... See...
Cancelling a command cancel command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

None. If the query succeeds, the requested status appears.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Library not available.

    Explanation: The query failed because ACSLS is recovering (all queries except query server).
Volume identifier vol_id not found.

    Explanation: The query mount command cannot display status for the specified volume because it is not in the library.

    Variable: vol_id is the specified volume.
Invalid media type

    Explanation: The query mount * command cannot display status for the specified volume because it either has an invalid media type or you specified an invalid media type on the command.

    Variable: vol_id is the specified volume.

Display Area Messages


query acs

The query acs command displays ACS status.


query acs acs_id... | all


acs_id | all
specifies the ACS to query or all for all ACSs.


Use the query acs command to display the status of an ACS in the following format:


acs_id is the ACS identifier.
state is one of the following ACS states:
The ACS will process only current and pending requests and will reject any new requests. The ACS is unavailable to client applications and can only be controlled via cmd_proc. Use the vary command to vary the ACS online.
The ACS is offline.
offline pending
The ACS will process current and pending requests, then go offline. The ACS will reject any new requests.
The ACS is online.
The ACS is initializing or recovering from errors. Wait for the ACS to go online.
count is the number of free cells in the ACS.
nis the number of current (C) and pending (P) requests for the ACS for each command that requires library resources (audit, mount, dismount, enter, and eject).


To query ACS 1:

    query acs 1
To query all ACSs in the library:

    query acs all

See Also

For information about... See...
Changing the state of a library component vary command
Displaying request status query request command 102

query cap

The query cap command displays CAP status.


query cap cap_id... | all


cap_id | all
specifies the CAP to query or all for all CAPs.
Note: You cannot specify a cap_id that contains asterisks.


Use the query cap command to display the status of a CAP.
The query cap command displays CAP status in the following format:


cap_id is the CAP identifier.
cap_priority is the CAP priority.
cap_size is the number of cells in the CAP.
cap_state is one of the following CAP states:
The CAP is online.
The CAP is offline.
The CAP will process current and pending requests, then go offline. The CAP will reject any new requests.
The CAP will process only current and pending requests and will reject any new requests. The CAP is unavailable to client applications and can only be controlled via cmd_proc. Use the vary command to vary the CAP online.
The CAP is initializing or recovering from errors. Wait for the CAP to go online.
cap_mode is one of the following CAP entry modes:
You must unlock the CAP before entering cartridges.
The CAP is ready for cartridge entry.
status is one of the following CAP statuses:
available The CAP is available.
The CAP is unavailable (reserved for entering cartridges).
The CAP is unavailable (reserved for ejecting volumes).
The CAP is unavailable (reserved for audit processing).


To query CAP 0,1,0:

    query cap 0,1,0
To query all CAPs in the library:

    query cap all

See Also

For information about... See...
Changing the state of a library component vary command
Setting CAP selection priority set cap priority command
Setting CAP mode (manual or automatic) set cap mode command
Displaying request status query request command 102

query clean

The query clean command displays cleaning cartridge status.


query clean vol_id... | all


vol_id | all
specifies the cleaning cartridge to query or all for all cartridges.


Use the query clean command to display the status of a cleaning cartridge in the following format:


vol_id is the volume identifier of the cleaning cartridge.
cell_id is the location of the cleaning cartridge.
max_usage is the number of times the cleaning cartridge can be used.
current_usage is the number of times the cleaning cartridge has been used.
status is the location of the cleaning cartridge:
The cartridge is in a storage cell.
in drive
The cartridge is in a transport.
in transit
The cartridge is being moved.
type is the cartridge media type (for example, 3480, DD3D, DLTIII, or STK1R).


To display status information for cleaning cartridge J35992:

    query clean J35992
To query all cleaning cartridges:

    query clean all

See Also

For information about... See...
Guidelines and procedures for cleaning transports "Cleaning Transports"
Setting cleaning cartridge attributes set clean command

query drive

The query drive command displays transport status.


query drive drive_id... | all


drive_id | all
specifies the transport to query or all for all transports.


Use the query drive command to display the status of a transport in the following format:


drive_id is the transport identifier.
The state is one of the following transport states:
The transport is online.
The transport is offline.
The transport will process only current and pending requests and will reject any new requests. The transport is unavailable to client applications and can only be controlled via cmd_proc. Use the vary command to vary the transport online.
The transport is initializing or recovering from errors. Wait for the transport to go online.
statusis one of the following transport statuses:
In useThe transport has a volume mounted or is reserved for a mount.
AvailableThe transport is available for a mount.
vol_id is the identifier of the volume in the transport. This field is blank if there is no volume in the transport or if the volume's external label is unreadable or unknown.
drive_type is the transport type.


To query transport 0,3,1,0:

    query drive 0,3,1,0
To query all transports:

    query drive all

See Also

For information about... See...
Changing the state of a library component vary command
Dismounting a volume from a transport dismount command

query lmu

The query lmu command displays LMU and port status for both single-LMU and dual-LMU ACS configurations.
Note: ACSLS supports dual-LMU configurations for only the 9330 LMU with host/LMU microcode compatibility Level 11 or above loaded. The same microcode level must be loaded in both LMUs.


query lmu acs_id... | all


acs_id | all
specifies the ACS whose LMUs you want to query or all to query LMUs for all ACSs.


Use the query lmu command to display LMU and port status for both single-LMU and dual-LMU ACS configurations in the following format:


acs_id is the ACS identifier.
mode is the LMU mode (Dual LMU, Single LMU, or SCSI LMU).

status is the master or standby LMU status (Communicating, Communicating, or Offline). SCSI LMUs show - for status.
port_id is the port identifier.
dev_name is the port device name.
stateis one of the following port states:
The port is online.
The port is offline.
role(des) is the LMU's role and designation (A or B) where roles are:
MasterLMU is in master role (the LMU is managing the ACS).
StandbyLMU is in standby role (not managing the ACS, communicating with the master LMU and available for switchover).

    Note: During switchover, the role field information is not current, and may display as a single dash (-). As the information becomes current, ACSLS refreshes the role field with the actual role of each LMU.

compat_level is the host/LMU microcode compatibility level. Level 11 or above is required for dual-LMU configurations.


To display LMU and port status for all LMUs managing all ACSs:

    query lmu all
To display LMU and port status for all LMUs managing ACSs 0 and 1:

    query lmu 0 1

See Also

For information about... See...
Manually switching ACS management from the ACS's master LMU to the standby LMU switch lmu command

query lock

The query lock command displays the lock status of a transport or volume.


query lock type identifier... | all


type identifier | all
specifies the lock to query or all for all locks. Table 28. lists the lock types you can query.

Table 28. Valid Lock Types for query lock
Library Component type identifier




Use the query lock command to display the lock status of a transport or volume in the following format:


vol_id is the identifier of the specified volume.
drive_id is the identifier of the specified transport.
lock_id is the lock ID.
duration is the amount of time, in seconds, that the lock has been active.
pending is the number of lock requests that are waiting for volume or transport.
status is one of the following statuses:
The volume or transport is available.
in use
The volume or transport is in use or is reserved for a mount.
user_id is the user ID that has locked the volume or transport. The user_id wraps after 80 characters.


To display lock status information for transport 1,0,4,0:

    q loc dr 1,0,4,0
To display lock status information for all transports:

    query lock drive all
To display lock status information for volume SL4493:

    query lock volume SL4493
To display lock status information for all volumes:

    query lock volume all

See Also

For information about... See...
Removing all active or pending locks on a specified transport or volume clear lock command
Locking (dedicating) transports and volumes to your current lock ID lock command
Setting your lock ID set lock command
Displaying your lock or user ID show command
Removing active locks unlock command

query lsm

The query lsm command displays LSM status.


query lsm lsm_id... | all


lsm_id | all
specifies the LSM to query or all for all locks.


Use the query lsm command to display the status of an LSM in the following format:


lsm_id is the LSM identifier.
state is one of the following LSM states:
The LSM will process only current and pending requests and will reject any new requests. The LSM is unavailable to client applications and can only be controlled via cmd_proc. Use the vary command to vary the LSM online.
The LSM is offline.
offline pending
The LSM will process current and pending requests, then go offline. The LSM will reject any new requests.
The LSM is online.
The LSM is initializing or recovering from errors. Wait for the LSM to go online.
count is the number of free storage cells in the LSM.
n is the number of current (C) and pending (P) requests for the LSM for each command that requires library resources (audit, mount, dismount, enter, and eject).


To display status information for LSM 1 of ACS 0:

    query lsm 0,1
To display status information for all LSMs:

    query lsm all

See Also

For information about... See...
Changing the state of a library component vary command
Displaying request status query request command 102

query mount

The query mount command displays the status of media-compatible transports for a specified data volume.


query mount vol_id


specifies the volume to query.


Use the query mount command to display the status of all library transports compatible with the media type of the specified volume. query mount displays transport status for LSMs in any state (online, offline, offline-pending, or diagnostic). The compatible transports are ordered by proximity to the specified volume in the following format:


vol_id is the identifier of the specified volume.
vol_stat is the location of the volume:
The volume is in a storage cell.
in drive
The volume is in a transport.
in transit
The volume is being moved.
drive_id is a list of all library transports compatible with the media type of the specified volume.
drive_id is the transport identifier.
stateis one of the following transport states:
The transport is online.
The transport is offline.
The transport will process only current and pending requests and will reject any new requests. The transport is unavailable to client applications and can only be controlled via cmd_proc. Use the vary command to vary the transport online.
The transport is initializing or recovering from errors. Wait for the transport to go online.
statusis one of the following transport statuses:
In use The transport has a volume mounted or is reserved for a mount.
Available The transport is available for a mount.
inu_id is the identifier of the volume in the transport. The volume id appears only if the drive_stat is In use.
drive_type is the transport type.


To display status information of transports ordered by proximity to volume ZUNI14:

    query mount ZUNI14

See Also

For information about... See...
Mounting a data volume on a transport mount command on
Changing the state of a library component vary command
Displaying the location and media type of a volume query volume command
Displaying the lock status of a transport or volume query lock command

query mount *

The query mount * command displays the status of media-compatible transports for a specified scratch pool (and, optionally, for a specific volume media type within the pool).


query mount * pool_id... [media media_type | media *]


specifies the scratch pool to query.
media media_type | media *
specifies the media type.


Use the query mount * command to display the status of all library transports compatible with all volume media types in a specified scratch pool. Pool 0 is the common scratch pool. Specify the media_type option to restrict the display to transports compatible with a specific volume media type within the pool. The displayed transports are ordered by proximity to the densest scratch pools. query mount * displays transport status for LSMs in any state (online, offline, offline-pending, or diagnostic).
The query mount * command displays transport status in the following format:


pool_id is the specified scratch pool.
drive_id is a list of all library transports compatible with all media types of the specified pool (or a specific media type within the pool if a media type was specified).
stateis one of the following transport states:
The transport is online.
The transport is offline.
The transport will process only current and pending requests and will reject any new requests. The transport is unavailable to client applications and can only be controlled via cmd_proc. Use the vary command to vary the transport online.
The transport is initializing or recovering from errors. Wait for the transport to go online.
vol_id is the identifier of the volume in the transport. The volume id appears only if the drive_stat is In use.
drive_statis one of the following transport statuses:
In useThe transport has a volume mounted or is reserved for a mount.
AvailableThe transport is available for a mount.
drive_type is the transport type.


To display status of compatible transports listed by proximity to the largest concentration of scratch tapes in pool 5:

    query mount * 5
To display status of compatible transports listed by proximity to the largest concentration of 3480 scratch tapes in common pool 0:

    query mount * 0 media 3480

See Also

For information about... See...
Mounting a scratch volume on a transport mount * command on
Changing the state of a library component vary command
Displaying scratch pool attributes query pool command
Creating or modifying scratch pools define pool command
Deleting empty scratch pools delete pool command
Displaying scratch volume status query scratch command 104
Setting or clearing volume scratch attributes set scratch command
Displaying the lock status of a transport or volume query lock command

query pool

The query pool command displays scratch pool attributes.


query pool pool_id... | all


pool_id | all
specifies the scratch pool to query or all for all pools. Pool 0 is the common pool.


Use the query pool command to display scratch pool attributes in the following format:


pool_id is the specified scratch pool.
vol_count is the number of scratch volumes in the pool.
low_water_mark is the low volume warning threshold. If the scratch volume count falls below this threshold, ACSLS logs a warning message in the event log. A "-" after the value means that the scratch volume count is below the low volume threshold .
high_water_mark is the high volume warning threshold. If the scratch volume count reaches or exceeds this threshold, ACSLS logs a warning message in the event log. A "+" after the value means that the scratch volume count is at or above the high volume threshold .
attribute is displayed if overflow is set (via the set scratch command) for the specified scratch pool. overflow specifies that scratch volumes are selected from the common scratch pool (Pool 0) if mount scratch * requests cannot be satisfied with a volume from the specified scratch pool.


To display status information for scratch pool 5:

    query pool 5
To display status information for all scratch pools:

    query pool all

See Also

For information about... See...
Creating or modifying scratch pools define pool command
Deleting empty scratch pools delete pool command
Displaying scratch volume status query scratch command 104
Setting or clearing volume scratch attributes set scratch command

query port

The query port command displays port status.


query port port_id... | all


port_id | all
specifies the port to query or all for all ports.


Use the query port command to display the status of a port in the following format:


port_id is the port identifier.
state is one of the following port states:
The port is online.
The port is offline.


To display status information for port 0,0:

    query port 0,0
To query all ports:

    query port all

See Also

For information about... See...
Changing the state of a library component vary command

query request

The query request command displays request status.


query request request_id... | all


request_id | all
specifies the request to query or all for all requests.


Use the query request command to display the status of a request in the following format:


request_id is the ACSLS request identifier.
command is the ACSLS command that corresponds to the request identifier.
status is one of the following request statuses:
ACSLS is processing the request.
The request is waiting to be processed.
Not found
The specified request is not a valid ACSLS request.


To display status information for request 33179:

    query request 33179
To display all current and pending requests:

    query request all

See Also

For information about... See...
Cancelling a command cancel command

The query scratch command displays the status of scratch volumes in a pool.

query scratch


query scratch pool_id... | all


pool_id | all
specifies the scratch pool to query or all for all pools. Pool 0 is the common pool.


Use the query scratch command to display the status of scratch volumes in a pool in the following format:


pool_id is the specified scratch pool.
vol_id is the identifier of the scratch volume.

cell_id is the storage cell that contains the volume.
status is the location of the volume:
The volume is in a storage cell.
in drive
The volume is in a transport.
in transit
The volume is being moved.
media_type is the volume's media type (for example, 3480, 3490E, DD3D, or DLTIV).


To display status information for scratch volumes in scratch pool 29015:

    query scratch 29015
To display status information for scratch volumes in all scratch pools:

    query scratch all

See Also

For information about... See...
Creating or modifying scratch pools define pool command
Deleting empty scratch pools delete pool command
Setting or clearing volume scratch attributes set scratch command

query server

The query server command displays ACSLS and library status.


query server




Use the query server command to display the status of ACSLS and the library in the following format:

Identifier is blank.

state is one of the following ACSLS states:
ACSLS is idle (not processing requests).
idle pending
ACSLS will process current and pending request, reject new request, then go idle.
ACSLS is initializing (going to run state) or recovering from errors; ACSLS is not processing requests.
ACSLS is running (processing requests).
count is the number of free storage cells in the library.
n is the number of current (C) and pending (P) ACSLS requests for each command that requires library resources (audit, mount, dismount, enter, and eject).
Hint: You cannot cancel a query server request.


To display status information on the server:

    query server

See Also

For information about... See...
Changing the state of a library component vary command
Displaying request status query request command 102

query volume

The query volume command displays the location of a volume.


query volume vol_id... | all


vol_id | all
specifies the volume to query or all for all volumes.


Use the query volume command to display the location of a volume in the following format:

vol_id is the volume identifier .

status is the location of the volume:
The volume is in a storage cell.
in drive
The volume is in a transport.
in transit
The volume is being moved.
location specifies the location as one of the following:

  • If the status is home, the location is a storage cell identifier.
  • If the status is in transit, the location is either a cell identifier or a transport identifier.
  • If the status is in drive, the location is a transport identifier.

media_type is the volume's media type (for example, 3480, 3490E, DD3D, or DLTIV).


To display status information for volume 2903B:

    query volume 2903B
To display all volumes in the library:

    query volume all

See Also

For information about... See...
Mounting a data volume on a transport mount command
Displaying the status of media-compatible transports for a specified data volume query mount command
Setting or clearing volume scratch attributes set scratch command
Changing the state of a library component vary command
Displaying the lock status of a transport or volume query lock command
Displaying scratch pool attributes query pool command

set commands

The set commands set various attributes of different library components. See the following sections for more information about each set command, including format, options, usage, and messages.


The following shows the general format of the set commands:

set type [off | subtype] [*] identifier... 

See Also

For information about... See...
Cancelling a command cancel command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

The following message appears when a set command succeeds:

Set:  Set completed, Success.
See each set command for specific success messages.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

See each set command for specific messages.

Display Area Messages

See each set command for specific messages.

set cap mode

The set cap mode command sets a CAP's entry mode.


set cap mode cap_mode cap_id


specifies manual (manual) or automatic (automatic) CAP mode.
specifies the CAP identifier.

    You cannot specify a CAP identifier that contains an asterisk (*).


Use the set cap mode command to set a CAP's entry mode to one of the following modes:

manualYou must enter an enter command before entering cartridges.
automaticYou can enter cartridges without first entering an enter command.
Hint: You cannot change a CAP's mode while the CAP is in use. That is, if the door is open during either manual or automatic enter operations, you cannot change its mode until you complete the enter operation.


To set CAP 0,3,1 in manual mode:

    set cap mode manual 0,3,1
To set CAP 0,3,1 in automatic mode:

    set cap mode automatic 0,3,1

See Also

For information about... See...
Displaying CAP status query cap command
Changing the state of a library component vary command
Making a CAP (manual mode) ready to enter labelled cartridges into the library enter command
Making a CAP ready to enter unlabeled cartridges into the library venter command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

Set: CAP cap_id, mode changed to cap_mode.

    Explanation: ACSLS changed the mode of the specified CAP.


    • cap_id is the CAP whose mode is changed.
    • cap_mode is the new enter mode of the CAP.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Set: CAP cap_id Set failed, Incorrect attribute.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot change the mode of the specified CAP because you specified an invalid CAP mode.

    Variable: cap_id is the CAP whose mode is not changed.

Display Area Messages

CAP cap_id: Automatic mode.

    Explanation: ACSLS changed the specified CAP's mode to automatic.

    Variable: cap_id is the CAP whose mode is changed.
CAP cap_id: Manual mode.

    Explanation: ACSLS changed the specified CAP's mode to manual.

    Variable: cap_id is the CAP whose mode is changed.

set cap priority

The set cap priority command sets a CAP's automatic selection priority.


set cap priority cap_priority cap_id


specifies the CAP priority. Valid values are 0 to 16, where 16 is the highest priority. All CAPs initially have a 0 priority, which means that ACSLS does not automatically select the CAP.
specifies the CAP identifier. You must specify a particular CAP; you cannot specify an asterisk (*) to set the same priority for all CAPs.


Use the set cap priority command to set a CAP's automatic selection priority.
If a CAP request specifies an asterisk (*) for the CAP ID, ACSLS automatically selects an available CAP with highest non-zero priority for each ACS specified in the request.


To assign priority 16 to CAP 0,3,1:

    set cap priority 16 0,3,1

See Also

For information about... See...
Displaying CAP status query cap command
Changing the state of a library component vary command
Updating the ACSLS database to match the actual inventory of library volumes audit command
Ejecting volumes from the library eject command
Making a CAP (manual mode) ready to enter labelled cartridges into the library enter command
Making a CAP ready to enter unlabeled cartridges into the library venter command

Command Area Messages

updates the ACSLS database to match the actual inventory of library volumes.

Success Messages

Set: CAP cap_id, priority changed to cap_priority.

    Explanation: ACSLS changed the priority of the specified CAP.


    • cap_id is the CAP whose priority is changed.
    • cap_priority is the new CAP priority.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Set: CAP cap_id Set failed, Incorrect attribute.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot change the mode of the specified CAP because you specified an invalid CAP priority.

    Variable: cap_id is the CAP whose priority is not changed.

Display Area Messages


set clean

The set clean command sets cleaning cartridge attributes.


set clean max_usage | off vol_id | volrange


max_usage | off
specifies the number of times a cleaning cartridge is used before ACSLS stops selecting the cartridge to clean transports. off specifies that ACSLS will not select the cartridge and redefines the cartridge as a data volume.
vol_id | volrange
specifies the cleaning cartridge or range of cartridges.


Use the set clean command to set the number of times ACSLS will select a cleaning cartridge. You also use set clean to set a cartridge's cleaning cartridge attribute off, which you do if you have incorrectly defined a data volume as a cleaning cartridge.


To set the maximum use to 10 for cleaning cartridges CLN108 - CLN112:

    set clean 10 CLNI108-CLNI112
To set the cleaning cartridge attribute off and redefine cartridges HRR234 - HRR244 as data volumes:

    set clean off HRR234-HRR244

See Also

For information about... See...
Guidelines and procedures for cleaning transports "Cleaning Transports"
Displaying cleaning cartridge status query clean command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

Set: volume vol_id is a cleaning cartridge.

    Explanation: ACSLS specified that the cleaning cartridge is valid for transport cleaning.

    Variable: vol_id is the valid cleaning cartridge.
Set: volume vol_id is not a cleaning cartridge.

    Explanation: ACSLS specified that the cleaning cartridge is not valid for transport cleaning.

    Variable: vol_id is the invalid cleaning cartridge.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Set: Clean vol_id Set failed, Incorrect attribute.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot change the cleaning attribute because the specified volume is not a cleaning cartridge.

    Variable: vol_id is the data or scratch volume.

Display Area Messages


set lock

The set lock command sets your lock ID.


set lock lock_id


specifies the lock ID. Valid lock IDs are 0 to 32767.


Use the set lock command to set or change your lock ID. Change your current lock ID when you want to remove locks on a transport or volume whose lock ID does not match your current lock ID as follows:

  • To clear all locks on a specified transport or volume, set your lock ID to 0, then enter a clear lock command.
  • To remove active locks on transports or volumes, set your lock ID to the lock ID of the locked components, then enter an unlock command.


To change your current lock ID lock to new lock ID 354:

    set lock 354

See Also

For information about... See...
Removing all active or pending locks on a specified transport or volume clear lock command
Locking (dedicating) transports and volumes to your current lock ID lock command
Displaying the lock status of a transport or volume query lock command
Displaying your lock or user ID show command
Removing active locks unlock command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

Set: Changed lock identifier from previous_lock_id to lock_id.

    Explanation: ACSLS changed your lock ID.


    • previous_lock_id was your previous lock ID.
    • lock_id is your new lock ID.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages


Display Area Messages


set owner

The set owner command sets volume ownership.


set owner owner_id volume vol_id | volrange


specifies the owner identifier. You must enclosed this value in quotes ("").
volume vol_id | volrange
specifies the volume or range of volumes.


Use the set owner command to set volume ownership. You must enter set owner from cmd_proc; you cannot set volume ownership from a client application.


To assign ownership of volume YUMA06:

    set owner "cray" volume YUMA06


You cannot use the set owner command to set volumes ownership if volume access control is enabled and and access control list has been built. For more information, see "Reinitializing Access Control Information".

See Also

For information about... See...
volume access control "How Volume Access Control Works".

Command Area Messages


Display Area Messages


set scratch

The set scratch command sets or clears a volume's scratch attribute and assigns the volume to a pool.


set scratch [off] pool_id vol_id | volrange


specifies that the volume is a data volume.
specifies the volume's scratch pool. Specify an asterisk (*) to reassign a data volume to its current pool.
vol_id | volrange
specifies the volume or range of volumes.


Use the set scratch command to set or clear a volume's scratch attribute and assign the volume to a pool.


To define volumes YUMA10-YUMA20 as scratch volumes and assign them to scratch pool 5:

    set scratch 5 YUMA10-YUMA20
To move scratch volumes YUMA10-YUMA15 to pool 10:

    set scratch 10 YUMA10-YUMA15
To "unscratch" (change from scratch to data) volumes YUMA16-YUMA20 and move them to the common pool (pool 0):

    set scratch off 0 YUMA16-YUMA20
To scratch to data volumes YUMA16-YUMA20 and keep them in their current pool:

    set scratch * YUMA16-YUMA20

See Also

For information about... See...
Displaying scratch volume status query scratch command 104
Displaying scratch pool attributes query pool command
Creating or modifying scratch pools define pool command
Deleting empty scratch pools delete pool command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

Set: volume vol_id in tape pool pool_id is a scratch volume.

    Explanation: ACSLS changed the specified data volume to a scratch volume and assigned it to a pool.


    • vol_id is the specified volume.
    • pool_id is the pool to which the volume is assigned.
Set: volume vol_id in tape pool pool_id is a data volume.

    Explanation: ACSLS changed the specified scratch volume to a data volume.

    Variable: vol_id is the specified volume.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Set: Scratch vol_id Set failed, Incorrect attribute.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot change the scratch attribute because the specified volume is a cleaning cartridge.

    Variable: vol_id is the cleaning cartridge.

Display Area Messages

Pool pool_id: low water mark warning.

    Explanation: The number of volumes in the specified scratch pool is less than or equal to the low threshold.

    Variable: low_water_mark is the low threshold of the specified scratch pool.
Pool pool_id: high water mark warning.

    Explanation: The number of volumes in the specified scratch pool is greater than or equal to the high threshold.

    Variable: high_water_mark is the high threshold of the specified scratch pool.


The show command displays your lock ID or user ID.


show type


specifies one of the following types:
Your lock ID.
Your user ID.


Use the show command to display your lock ID or user ID.


To display requestor's user_id:

    show user
To display current lock_id:

    show lock



See Also

For information about... See...
Removing all active or pending locks on a specified transport or volume clear lock command
Locking (dedicating) transports and volumes to your current lock ID lock command
Displaying the lock status of a transport or volume query lock command
Setting your lock ID set lock command
Removing active locks unlock command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

Show: Current lock identifier is lock_id.

    Explanation: Your current lock ID is lock_id.
Show: User identifier is user_id.

    Explanation: Your current user ID is user_id.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages


Display Area Messages



The start command starts ACSLS request processing.






Use the start command to put ACSLS in run state and start ACSLS request processing. You typically use the start command to restart request processing if ACSLS is idled.


To restart ACSLS request processing:



If ACSLS is in run state, entering the start command has no effect.

See Also

For information about... See...
Displaying the status of a library component query commands
Stopping ACSLS from processing new requests idle command
Changing the state of a library component vary command
Stopping ACSLS "Stopping ACSLS"
Restarting ACSLS "Starting ACSLS"

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

ACSLM Request Processing Started: Success.

    Explanation: ACSLS started processing requests.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

ACSLM Request Processing Not Started: status

    Explanation: ACSLS did not start processing requests.

    Variable: status is the reason for the failure. For more information on common status messages, see ACSLS Messages.

Display Area Messages

Server system running

    Explanation: ACSLS started processing requests.

switch lmu

In dual-LMU configurations, the switch lmu command manually switches ACS management from the ACS's master LMU to the standby LMU.
Note: ACSLS supports dual-LMU configurations for only the 9330 LMU with host/LMU microcode compatibility Level 11 or above loaded. The same microcode level must be loaded in both LMUs.


switch lmu acs_id


acs_id specifies the ACS to switch ACS management from the master to the standby LMU.


Use the switch lmu command to manually switch ACS management from the ACS's master LMU to the standby LMU. Before you enter a switch lmu command, make sure that:

  • ACSLS is in run state
  • The ACS you specify is in online or diagnostic state
  • At least one port is online to each LMU


In dual-LMU configurations, you can use the switch lmu command to switch ACS management from the ACS's master LMU to the standby LMU. Assume the following dual-LMU configuration:

  • LMU A is in the master role and LMU B is in the standby role.
  • Both LMUs manage ACS 0.
  • The ports to LMU A have port IDs 0,0 and 0,1.
The following procedure tells how to use the switch lmu command to let you replace a LAN cable between the LMUs.
To replace a LAN cable between dual LMUs configured as described above, do the following:

  1. Switch to LMU B:
    switch lmu 0
  2. Vary the ports to LMU A offline:
    vary port 0,0 0,1 offline
  3. Replace the LAN cable.
  4. Vary the ports to LMU A back online:
    vary port 0,0 0,1 online
  5. Switch back to LMU A:
    switch lmu 0

See Also

For information about... See...
Displaying LMU status query lmu command
Displaying ACS status query acs command
Displaying port status query port command
Displaying ACSLS and library status query server command
Changing the state of a library component vary command
Starting ACSLS request processing start command
Restarting ACSLS "Starting ACSLS"

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

Switch: Switch lmu completed for acs_id, Success.

    Explanation: ACSLS switched ACS management from the master to the standby LMU.

    Variable: acs_id is the ACS whose LMUs switched roles.

Intermediate Messages

Switch: Switch lmu initiated for acs_id, Success.

    Explanation: ACSLS started switching ACS management from the master to the standby LMU.

    Variable: acs_id is the ACS whose LMUs are switching roles.

Error Messages

Switch: Switch lmu failed, acs_id not found.

    Explanation: You specified an invalid ACS.

    Variable: acs_id is the ACS identifier you specified on the switch lmu command.
Switch: Switch lmu failed, acs_id is offline.

    Explanation: You specified an ACS that is offline. Use the vary command to vary the ACS to online or diagnostic mode.

    Variable: acs_id is the ACS identifier you specified on the switch lmu command.
Switch: Switch lmu failed, acs_id not configured for dual lmu.

    Explanation: You specified an ACS that is not configured with master and standby LMUs. Either:

    • Reconfigure the specified ACS, then reenter the switch lmu command
    • Enter a switch lmu command that specifies an LMU that is configured with master and standby LMUs.
    Variable: acs_id is the ACS identifier you specified on the switch lmu command.
Switch: Switch lmu failed, not communicating.

    Explanation: An LMU switch failed because the standby LMU is not communicating. Check the standby LMU for communications problems.
Switch: Switch lmu failed, switch already active.

    Explanation: An LMU switch is in progress for the ACS you specified. Wait until the switch completes, then, if desired, reenter the switch lmu command.
Switch: Switch lmu failed, port is offline.

    Explanation: You specified an ACS with no LMU ports online Vary at least one port online to each LMU.

Display Area Messages



The unlock command removes active locks (associated with your current lock ID) on a specified transport or volume or removes all active locks.


unlock type identifier...|all


type identifier
specifies a library component. Table 29. lists the components that you can unlock. You can specify either a transport or a volume but not both in a single unlock command.

Table 29. Valid Components for Unlock
Library Component type identifier



specifies all active locks.


Use the unlock command to remove active locks on specified volumes and transports or remove all active locks. The lock ID of the component must match your current lock ID.
When you unlock a component that is not in use, ACSLS checks for pending locks on the component. If there is a pending lock, ACSLS locks the component with the lock ID of the pending lock.


To remove active locks on transport 0,0,2,0:

    unlock drive 0,0,2,0
To remove active locks on all locked volumes:

    unlock volume all

See Also

For information about... See...
Removing all active or pending locks on a specified transport or volume clear lock command
Locking (dedicating) transports and volumes to your current lock ID lock command
Displaying the lock status of a transport or volume query lock command
Setting your lock ID set lock command
Displaying your lock or user ID show command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

Unlock: Unlock completed, Success.
Unlock: drive drive_id unlocked.

    Explanation: ACSLS unlocked the specified transport.

    Variable: drive_id is the unlocked transport.
Unlock: Unlock completed, Success.
Unlock: volume vol_id unlocked.

    Explanation: ACSLS unlocked the specified volume.

    Variable: vol_id is the unlocked volume.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Unlock: Unlock of transport drive_id failed, status.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot unlock the transport.

    Variable: status is the reason for the failure. For more information on common status messages, see ACSLS Messages.
Unlock: Unlock of volume vol_id failed, status.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot unlock the volume.

    Variable: status is the reason for the failure. For more information on common status messages, see ACSLS Messages.

Display Area Messages



The vary command changes the state of a library component.


vary type identifier...state [force]


type [identifier]
specifies a library component. Table 30. lists the components you can vary.

Table 30. Valid Components for Vary
ACS Component type identifier






specifies one of the following device states: online (online to clients and cmd_proc), offline, or diagnostic (online to cmd_proc only).

    You can vary an ACS, LSM, CAP, or transport online, offline, or diagnostic. You can vary a port either online or offline. See "Usage" for more information about device states.

varies an ACS, LSM, CAP, or transport offline after processing only the current robotic request.


Use the vary command to change the state of an ACS, LSM, CAP, transport, or port. The following sections tell how each of the device states you can specify affects library components.

vary offline

Table 31. shows the results of vary offline for each ACS component. When you vary a component offline and it first goes to offline-pending state, ACSLS processes all active and pending requests for the component, rejects new requests, then varies the component offline.

Table 31. Vary offline Results
ACS Component Results
ACS ACS and subcomponents go offline-pending, then offline. LSMs must go offline before the ACS goes offline.
LSM LSM goes offline-pending, then offline.
CAP CAP goes offline-pending, then offline.
transport If available, transport goes offline immediately. If in use, transport stays online.
port Port goes offline immediately if:
- ACS has other ports online, or
- ACS is offline.
Otherwise, the port stays online.

vary offline force

Table 32. shows the results of vary offline force for each ACS component. This option is useful if the device must be taken to the offline state while it is involved in extended activity (for example, during an audit).

Table 32. Vary offline force Results
ACS Component Results
ACS Only the current robotic request completes, then the ACS and subcomponents go offline immediately. pending requests are discarded and new requests are rejected. LSMs must go offline before the ACS goes offline.
LSM Only the current robotic request completes, then the LSM goes offline immediately. pending requests are discarded and new requests are rejected.
CAP Only the current robotic request completes, then the CAP goes offline immediately. pending requests are discarded and new requests are rejected.
transport Only the current robotic request completes, then the transport goes offline immediately. pending requests are discarded and new requests are rejected.
port Not valid.

vary diagnostic

The vary diagnostic request places the specified component in the diagnostic state (online to cmd_proc only). ACSLS processes all active and pending requests for the component, rejects new client application requests, then varies the component to diagnostic state. For an ACS, all of its subordinate LSMs are also varied to diagnostic.

vary online

Table 33. shows the results of vary online for each ACS component. When you vary a component online and it first goes to recovery state, ACSLS processes all active and pending requests for the component, rejects new requests, then varies the component online. When the component goes to online, ACSLS processes all requests for the component.

Table 33. Vary online Results
ACS Component Results
ACS If ACS is offline, ACS and its LSM go to recovery, then online.
If ACS is in diagnostic state, ACS and its LSM go to online immediately..
LSM LSM goes to recovery, then online. You cannot vary n LSM online if it is attached to an offline ACS.
CAP CAP goes to recovery, then online.
transport Transport goes to recovery, then online.
port Port goes online immediately.


To vary transport 0,0,9,3 offline:

    vary drive 0,0,9,3 offline
To vary CAP 0,0,0 diagnostic:

    vary cap 0,0,0 diagnostic
To force lsm 0,1 offline:

    vary lsm 0,1 offline force


IPLing the system does not change the state of these components. Installing or reconfiguring ACSLS places all components in the online state wherever possible.

See Also

For information about... See...
Displaying the status of a library component query commands

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

Vary: type identifier Varied state

    Explanation: ACSLS changed the state of the specified library component.


    • type is the library component type.
    • identifier is the library component identifier.
    • state is the new stat of the library component.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

In-transit cartridge recovery incomplete.

    Explanation: The LSM robot cannot dispose of in-transit volumes while the LSM or its ACS is varied online. If you are varying an ACS online, the ACS state is changed to online immediately, but any LSMs that are unable to complete in-transit volume recovery remain offline.
Vary: Vary type identifier failed, Drive in use.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot change the state of the specified library component because the command involved an in-use transport.


    • type is the library component type.
    • identifier is the library component identifier.
Vary: Vary type identifier failed, Incorrect lockid

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot change the state of the specified library component because the transport lock_id does not match your lock_id..


    • type is the library component type.
    • identifier is the library component identifier.
Vary: Vary type identifier failed, State unchanged.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot change the state of the specified library component because the component is already in the requested state.


    • type is the library component type.
    • identifier is the library component identifier.
Vary: Vary type identifier failed, Vary disallowed.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot change the state of the specified library component because a vary diagnostic request was issued from a client application.


    • type is the library component type.
    • identifier is the library component identifier.
Vary: Vary type identifier failed, Incorrect state.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot change the state of the specified library component because you tried to vary:

    • A CAP online when the LSM or ACS is in the diagnostic or offline state.
    • A CAP diagnostic when the LSM or ACS is offline.
    • An LSM online when the ACS is in the diagnostic or offline state.
    • An LSM diagnostic if the ACS is offline.

    • type is the library component type.
    • identifier is the library component identifier.
Vary: Vary type identifier failed, Vary in progress.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot change the state of the specified library component because

    • A CAP and the CAP or its LSM or ACS is in a transitory (recovery or offline-pending) state.
    • An LSM and the LSM, its ACS, or a subordinate CAP is in a transitory state.
    • An ACS and the ACS, a subordinate LSM, or a subordinate CAP is in a transitory state.
    • An ACS, LSM, or CAP to the diagnostic or online state and a vary offline/force request overrode the attempt.
    • A transport which is in a transition state of recovery.

    • type is the library component type.
    • identifier is the library component identifier.
Vary: Vary type identifier failed, State unchanged.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot change the state of the specified library component because you tried to vary an ACS, LSM, or CAP offline and a vary offline/force request overrode the attempt.


    • type is the library component type.
    • identifier is the library component identifier.
Vary: Vary type identifier failed, ACS online.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot change the state of the specified library component because you tried to vary the last port offline in an online ACS.


    • type is the library component type.
    • identifier is the library component identifier.
Vary: Vary type identifier failed, No ports online.

    Explanation: ACSLS cannot change the state of the specified library component because there are no ports online for an ACS.


    • type is the library component type.
    • identifier is the library component identifier.

Display Area Messages

One of the following messages appears when an ACS, LSM, transport, or port changes state.

ACS acs_id: state
LSM lsm_id: state
Drive drive_id: state
Port port_id: state
The following message appears if, during recovery of in-transit volumes, a cartridge label is unreadable or duplicate. The cartridge is moved to the CAP.

CAP cap_id.  Remove cartridges from CAP.
cap_id is the CAP containing the cartridges.


The venter command makes a CAP ready to enter unlabeled cartridges into the library.


venter cap_id vol_id | volrange


specifies the CAP through which the cartridges are to be entered.
vol_id | volrange
specifies the virtual labels of the volumes to be entered.


Use the venter command to make a CAP ready to enter cartridges with missing or unreadable labels into the library. You specify virtual labels (volume IDs) on the venter command, which adds volume information to the ACSLS database. From one to 42 volumes can be entered at a time.
Caution: The venter command does not provide an option to specify the media type of the cartridge you want to enter. In a mixed-media environment, ACSLS cannot prevent transport/media incomparabilities for virtually entered cartridges!
Caution: Use the venter command to enter cartridges with missing or unreadable labels. Do not open the LSM door and place cartridges with missing or unreadable labels in a storage cell because ACSLS cannot manage these cartridges. During an audit, ACSLS will eject volumes with missing or unreadable labels and no virtual labels.
For procedures for entering unlabeled cartridges, see the following:


To assign virtual labels to volumes MAINT1 and MAINT2 and enter these volumes through CAP 0,2,2:

    venter 0,2,2 MAINT1 MAINT2


Caution: ACSLS does not support the venter command for 97xx LSMs with attached DLT drives.

See Also

For information about... See...
Cancelling a command cancel command
Displaying CAP status query cap command
Setting CAP selection priority set cap priority command
Setting CAP mode (manual or automatic) set cap mode command
Making a CAP (manual mode) ready to enter labelled cartridges into the library enter command
Mounting a data volume on a transport mount command on
Creating or modifying scratch pools define pool command
Mounting a scratch volume on a transport mount * command on
Ejecting volumes from the library eject command

Command Area Messages

Success Messages

Venter: Enter complete, nn cartridges entered.

    Explanation: ACSLS entered the displayed number of cartridges.

    Variable: nn is the total number of cartridges entered.
Venter: vol_id Entered through cap_id

    Explanation: ACSLS entered the specified virtual volume.


    • vol_id is the virtual volume label.
    • cap_id is the CAP through which the volume was entered.

Intermediate Messages


Error Messages

Venter: vol_id Enter failed, status

    Explanation: ACSLS did not enter the specified virtual volume.


    • vol_id is the virtual volume label.
    • The status is the translated completion status of the request returned by ACSLS.

Display Area Messages

CAP cap_id: Place cartridges in CAP.

    Explanation: The CAP is ready for cartridge entry. Open the CAP and enter cartridges.

    Variable: cap_id s the CAP used to enter cartridges.
CAP cap_id: Unknown media type label.

    Explanation: One or more cartridges cannot be entered because the media type is unknown.

    Variable: cap_id s the CAP used to enter cartridges. Open the CAP and remove the cartridges.

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